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As escolas mais avaliadas e com melhor avaliação

Collège Greystone Montréal
Université de Montréal
ILSC Montreal
PROS Good and fun teacher. Nice division of time between grammar, listening, conversation and reading. Good having a local teacher telling about French-Canadian expressions and accent.
Centre d’éducation des adultes Antoine-Brossard
The positive point is the course is for free for immigrants. It is a good opportunity for new immigrants to have the first contact with the French language, but it will take longer to learn the language than in paid courses. If you're an immigrant this school will be a good choice to "break the ice" for free. If you are looking for a higher level of writing and conversation, you may go to a stronger school later on.
Free Francisation course funded by Quebec’s immigration branch; The school is basic, but it accomplishes its function; I found fun to be in it with a diverse range of ages, countries of origin and paths of life; Contents and pathway well thought and good balance among writing, reading, grammar and conversation; Both the school and the program present you with the language and cultural aspects of Quebec; The administration was very present and willing to help, and the staff was friendly.
Berlitz Montreal
Teacher and course director were very professional and adapted to my personal needs
Artigos Úteis - Canadá

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Como conseguir bolsa de estudos no Canadá
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Morar no Canadá: como se preparar financeiramente
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Como trabalhar em equipe e pedir ajuda?
Uma excelente maneira de construir networking a fazer amigos no Canadá é trabalhando em grupo para desenvolver um projeto.
O que é o Post Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) e como funciona?
O Post Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) é um caminho que muitos estudantes estrangeiros procuram na sua jornada para imigrar no Canadá.